



套房风格:Single, Double, and Triple rooms sharing a bathroom
特殊利益群体:荣誉论坛,性别包容,全球,Multicultural, PRISM, and Quiet floor communities



琼森塔 and the 琼森 Campus are named for Margaret 琼森, wife of J. 埃里克 琼森. Founder of Texas Instruments and former mayor of Dallas, J.E. 琼森了 a key role in Skidmore's move from downtown 萨拉托加温泉市 to its current location. While a trustee, he and his wife purchased the Woodlawn Estate and persuaded Skidmore to build an entirely new campus on the park-like location. 夫人. 琼森的画像 hangs in the first-floor entryway of 琼森塔.


The 琼森塔 basement is home to Campus Safety and the college radio station, WSPN. The first 约翰逊大厦的一层 is home to Health Services and the Counseling Center.



The global community is a special-interest option designed for students who value 了解其他国家. This community is open to all students (domestic, 国际、留学校友等.),希望更多地了解全球 对学生的影响.

The global community will be located on the 11th 约翰逊大厦的一层.


The multicultural community is a special-interest option that will provide opportunities for students to learn about, and appreciate, the diverse backgrounds of their peers. This community is open to students of all racial and ethnic identities.

The multicultural community will be located on the 10th 约翰逊大厦的一层.

性别包容住房Gender Inclusive housing is an option provided within our residence halls to allow students to live outside of the standard confines of housing by legal sex. 空间 in Gender Inclusive housing, are open to students without regarding to legal sex and/or 性别. Students may share a suite or room with someone of a different 性别 identitity.

Gender Inclusive housing is available on the 3rd floor of Wiecking Hall and the 9th 约翰逊大厦的一层.


棱镜社区The PRISM community strives to celebrate the lives and experiences of students who 在LGBTQ+社区内进行识别. 我们努力承认的交叉性 identity and create a space where LGBTQ+ individuals can feel valued, safe, and in community with one another through intentional programmatic efforts. 通过讨论 of LGBTQ+ history, activism, and current events residents of this community can grow in their knowledge of and participation in the LGBTQ+ community at large.

The PRISM community will be located on the 8th 约翰逊大厦的一层.

女性的地板Keeping with our historical roots as a women's college, 火博体育大学 currently offers one women's floor within our residence halls. 这一层提供我们的女性 students with an opportunity to live in a floor community consisting exclusively of 其他女人.

The women's floors are open to all students who identify as women.

(Please know that due to limitations of software programs, students whose 性别 identity does not match their legal sex on record with the college will need to contact the Office of 住宅生活 directly to select this community).

The Women's floor will be located on the 7th 约翰逊大厦的一层.

荣誉论坛房屋This housing option is only available to students in the Periclean Honors Forum. 感兴趣 students should connect with the Honors Forum staff to indicate their interest.

荣誉的论坛 housing will be located on the 6th 约翰逊大厦的一层.


The quiet floor is a community that is designed to provide a quieter atmosphere than most residence halls in hope of providing an environment that meets the needs of students 谁需要一个安静的学习环境. 本楼层实行24小时安静 小时全年. Students who live in this area who violate quiet hours may be asked 搬离社区.

The quiet floor will be located on the fifth 约翰逊大厦的一层.

  • Building lounge with pool table, TV and DVD player 
  • Exercise machines: one treadmill and one elliptical
  • 学习的房间
  • 洗衣房,有洗衣机和烘干机
  • 自动售货机
  • 户外自行车架
  • 约翰逊大厦有空调
  • Kitchenettes with a microwave, refrigerator, sink and recycle bins
  • 垃圾房
  • 楼休息室

Rooms are furnished with the following items upon move in:

  • 桌子(42-1/4”x 24-1/8”x 29-13/16”高)
  • 台式书柜(40“x 12”x 35“高)
  • 办公椅
  • 梳妆台(31-1/2" x 24-1/8" x 29-13/16" H)
  • 落地式书架(31-1/2”x 12 x 29-13/16”高)
  • 双人床特长床(The bed ends are 36" high with nine adjustable height settings. 下的许可 最高处的泉水是30英寸)
  • 衣橱
  • 靠窗软垫座椅
双人间/三人间(68间):10'-4" x 19'-6"
  • 壁橱(双人):60英寸宽× 24英寸深× 96英寸高
  • 壁橱(三层):40英寸宽× 24英寸深× 96英寸高
单人房(134间):10'-6" x 9'-10"
  • 壁橱:77英寸宽× 24英寸深× 96英寸高


欢迎来到约翰逊大厦! 我们是萨拉托加斯普林斯的最高点. 我们多用 building has a lot of great resources within our walls. 我们不仅服务10层楼 of residential living spaces, but we are also home to Health Services, Campus Safety, 以及咨询中心. If you are looking for ways to elevate your time at Skidmore College, relax in one of our window seats for beautiful views of downtown Saratoga, Daniels Road State Forest, and even Saratoga Lake! 我们的顶楼休息室很棒 space for relaxing, studying, or hanging out with friends. 我们提到风景了吗 从上面看? 
